What is: Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (AI) basically means when computers can think on their own. When you think about this, it is terrifying. If machines have the ability to think on their own, they could control the world one day. I think it all depends on the intent AI developers have. If they program the AI to help society, AI could be a really good thing. However, if the developers have malicious intent, this could be a really bad thing. I’m hoping that AI developers develop for the good.
So how do I know if I’m using AI? Chances are, you have already been using something that is AI. If you use any of the following: navigation apps, Siri/Alexa/Cortana, ride sharing apps, etc, you have used AI before. If you’ve ever realized that your mobile device knows where you parked without you knowing it, you can thank AI.
How does all this work? It works through a concept called machine learning. This uses algorithms for the AI to learn new things on its own.