What is: Server-side JavaScript

JavaScript Programming Server-side JavaScript Full Stack Development Node.js ReactJS Webpack

If you’re somewhat familiar JavaScript, you are probably thinking of client-side JavaScript. If you’re thinking there is no such thing as server-side JavaScript, think again. Probably the most widely known JS framework off the top of my head is Node.js, so in this article, I will be using it as the example.

So what is server-side JavaScript?

Server-side JavaScript is JavaScript that runs server-side as opposed to client-side. One of the most well known server-side JavaScript frameworks is Node.js (often called Node). NodeJS provides a widely used CLI tool called npm, which helps manage dependencies for your Node application.

Why should I use Node.js?

How do I get started?

To get started with Node.js, you can download it here on Node.js’s website.

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