2019 Week 52 Review

Weekly Review

Below is a summary of one thing on what went well, what did not go well, and what I learned for week 52 in the year 2019 as well as a brief overview of the upcoming plans I have for week 1:

Question Answer
What went well? I had a really good Christmas break with my family. Also, I have completely recovered from my cold.
What did not go well? I am happy to report that nothing bad happened this week. It was much more positive than last week.
What is one thing I learned? I learned more about Vanilla JavaScript.
What are my plans for the coming week? I plan on playing around with Open Social, which is an open source Drupal distribution. Also, I might work on something using Laravel as well.

Note: I try to post these reviews every Friday given I get the chance to do so. If you don't see an update for the current week, either I'm really busy or I've moved to Mars.

© 2019 - 2021 Brian McVeigh