2020 Week 2 Review

Weekly Review

Below is a summary of one thing on what went well, what did not go well, and what I learned for week 2 in the year 2020 as well as a brief overview of the upcoming plans I have for week 3:

Question Answer
What went well? I did a lot of VueJS development this week and became a lot more familiar with it.
What did not go well? Nothing, this week went well.
What is one thing I learned? I learned how to build a VueJS application as a Single-Page Application. I learned that each Vue component contains HTML, JavaScript, and scoped CSS (only applies to the Vue component it\’s in) all in its own file.
What are my plans for the coming week? I plan on working more on VueJS as well as tinkering around with MongoDB.

Note: I try to post these reviews every Friday given I get the chance to do so. If you don't see an update for the current week, either I'm really busy or I've moved to Mars.

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