2020 Week 30 Review

Weekly Review

Below is a summary of one thing on what went well, what did not go well, and what I learned for week 30 in the year 2020 as well as a brief overview of the upcoming plans I have for week 31:

Question Answer
What went well? I got to spend a lot of time with my dog and my wife.
What did not go well? COVID-19 is really bad and just keeps getting worse. As of this post date, there have been 16,100,900 reported cases.
What is one thing I learned? I can’t think of anything off the top of my head.
What are my plans for the coming week? I plan on remaining cautious when outside my house while still trying to have fun, staying home, and staying safe.

Note: I try to post these reviews every Friday given I get the chance to do so. If you don't see an update for the current week, either I'm really busy or I've moved to Mars.

© 2019 - 2021 Brian McVeigh